In Orbit Award
In 1970, the Executive Committee of the Florida PHCC realized the Association needed a form of special recognition to be given to individuals who have devoted outstanding service and demonstrated the highest above and beyond attitude, action, enthusiasm, willingness and determination to further enhance our industry through the Florida PHCC. This award is not necessarily given every year. The fraternity selects candidates and votes for the recipient.
Florida PHCC Contractor Member of the Year
Nominated by the members of Florida PHCC and awarded to the Contractor Member who has contributed in significant ways to the betterment of other members of the industry, has served as a leadership role model for others and sets a positive example of enthusiasm and commitment in the PHCC organization.
Orangewood Gavel
Presented to the Incoming President, the Orangewood Gavel is made from orangewood mounted on a plaque with an inspirational inscription about leadership composed by Betty Vercouteren, 1983. Hand-crafted gavel created by Oran Ellis, Jr., Florida PHCC Past President and In-Orbit Award Recipient.
Florida PHCC Chapter of the Year
Presented to the Florida PHCC Chapter which has contributed significantly to the enhancement of the membership in the chapter and to the overall health of the Florida PHCC through representative involvement in State Committees, Board Meetings, and the Legislative Process.
Griggs Chapter Award for Convention Participation
Awarded to the Florida PHCC Chapter represented by the highest number of paid contractor and auxiliary convention registrations. The plaque has the Chapter name added to the list of recipients for each year. The plaque is retained by the Chapter for the year and returned to the Convention the following year.